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From Keynotes to In-Depth Training… 
Our Programs Work!



Leading the Pack… 

Predicting the Future, Leading Change &

Leaving your Competitors in the dust

Running Lean with Six Sigma

Become more competitive, more innovative and more profitable

Teaching the Expert to Teach

Creating the Dynamite Multimedia Experience.

Projects that Pay Off!!



Leading the Pack… 

Predicting the Future, Leading Change & 

Leaving your Competitors in the dust

Proven methods will help your people use technology to create a learning, growing organization capable of “Leading the Pack” in rapidly changing environments.  During this program you will learn:

Ø      Ten Technology Trends that will be directly affecting your business in the next Ten Years

Ø      How to predict the future, outguess the competition and lead innovation in your industry

Ø      How to use your new found knowledge and integrate it into your corporate strategies

Ø      How to TURBOCHARGE your employees and get them all pulling in the same direction while being fueled by their new knowledge.

Ø      How to BREAK THE CHAINS that are holding your employees back from performing at the levels of excellence you know is hidden within.

Brad has an exceptional grasp of the subject material and conveyed it in a way that captivated the attention of the group and enhanced the learning experience

- Ron Schweer, US District Court

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Running Lean with Six Sigma

Become more competitive, more innovative and more profitable

Doing more with what you have… become more competitive, increase efficiencies, increase innovation, increase profits… Help your people deliver greater value to your customers.  These techniques will work for any organization, and yes, Six Sigma is affordable, even for the small organization!!  You will learn:

Ø      What it means to be “Lean” – High performance does NOT mean high stress…
It does
NOT mean “Doing more with Less”

Ø      The three basic concepts that Lean Operations are based upon… They seem simple, but they are very powerful when combined

Ø      How and where to start – there are thousands of opportunities for improvement… do we do it all at once or one at a time?  Do we pick the low hanging fruit first or go for “maximum impact”?  The possibilities seem endless.

Ø      Size does matter (smaller is better) – How many “monuments” do you have in the workplace?  How are they influencing what is getting done and how?  We’ll look at right-sizing the tools.

Ø      The Tools and Techniques Toolbox – there are many tools to pick from in our tool box… use the right tool for the job and it’s easy… pick the wrong tool and… well… you get the idea.

I have attended many seminars, including Fred Pryor seminars in recent years.  I would place this one at the top of the list. 

- Dan Francis, RXI Plastics

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Teaching the Expert to Teach

Proven methods will help your expert people to teach others quickly and effectively.  In today’s highly competitive and changing environment, delivering training “Just in Time” is a critical component of your company’s strategy.  During this program you will learn:

Ø      Secrets for unlocking the Adult Learning Process and making the students hunger for more.

Ø      Customizing your sessions for each audience, taking the level of training to a new level.

Ø      Building a partnership with students to kick their learning and retention up into high gear.

Ø      The effective use of activities to drive home your message.

Ø      Selecting the right technologies to add impact to your sessions, without distracting the students from the learning.

Ø      How to take control of your environmentthe setting has everything to do with how receptive your students will be to your information.  You have great material and a great delivery, but if they are not ready, no one will hear.

I have been to many seminars, and presented many myself. 
Mr. Snyder is an excellent communicator and a very effective trainer.

Larry Franke, Shipping Manager, Cher-Make Sausage

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Creating the Dynamite

 Multimedia Experience.

Technology can be a great way to enhance your presentations, but you can get too much of a good thing… Don’t let the technology get in the way of you or your message!  You will learn:

Ø      Ways to “get and keep their attention” and get them excited about your message

Ø      How to watch out for the “Flash and Trash” – the audience can get so caught up in the multimedia “WOW” that they can miss the points you are trying to make.

Ø      How to take control of your environment – the setting has everything to do with how receptive your audience will be to your message.  You have a great message and a great delivery, but if they are not ready, no one will hear.

Ø      How to deliver a POWERFUL, unforgettable performance – you have an important message to give, you spent hours crafting the right words… now make sure they GET IT

Ø      Ways for your audience to take you home with them – handouts and take-away products that are remembered and treasured

Excellent, entertaining & insightful… 

- Tom Mason, Cornhusker State Industries

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Projects that Pay Off!!

Proven methods and strategies will help your expert people to bring their projects, both large and small, to a successful completion, even under tight deadlines and tighter budgets. We will use MS Projectä as a learning tool for this program.  During this program you will learn:

Ø      To determine just what needs to be done – Defining the scope of the project is critical, and a key factor is asking the right questions of the right people at the right time.  Defining the problem (or the goal) is 80% of the solution.

Ø      To chart the Course for Success. We’re to the top of the mountain … and we’ll take it one step at a time… well planned and well provisioned.

Ø      That the straight course may not be the best course.  We may take a winding path to successful implementation.  Sometimes the obvious answers lead us astray.

Ø      To build a strong Project Team… most expeditions have a collections of experts with strengths in their own fields… here’s how to get them to pull together as a cohesive group.

Ø      To cross the Goal Line – finding and passing those milestones during the journey is what keeps the spirits high during the trek… establishing effective measures are critical.

“Brad has an exceptional grasp of the subject material and conveyed it in a way that captivated the attention of the group and enhanced the learning experience”

- Ron Schweer, US District Court

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