We work with organizations wanting to become more competitive, more innovative and more profitable.

Strategic Advantage is organized to act as your Information Systems Department. If you are a small business concern, you know that in order to compete with the "big fish", you need to make use of the same kinds of tools, including timely information.  We show you how to make the most effective use today’s Information Systems technology, and we will act as your resource and help you with the implementation of new Information Systems technology.

  • We act on your behalf in matters of Information Systems research, purchase, implementation and outsourcing coordination, training and support.

  • We bring you over 25 years of experience in business, manufacturing and medical office systems, network architectures, telecommunications and other leading edge technologies.

  • We provide you with ongoing advisory support, through pragmatic, sensible solutions to the ever changing situations in the business environment.

Call 816-246-0399
